buildlight - buildlight  ✔ should set default colour scheme to RGB  ✔ should allow custom colour scheme  ✔ should set usbled driver when platform is linux  ✔ should throw an error when platform is not supported  ✔ should set colour methods based on colour scheme  ✔ should set default opts  ✔ should set custom interval if specified  buildlight - on  ✔ should switch on all colours using specified driver  buildlight - off  ✔ should switch off all colours using specified driver  buildlight - colours  ✔ should switch off all colours in the scheme then switch on the selected colour  buildlight - blink  ✔ should set switch specified colour on then off after unblink is called (503ms)  ✔ should set switch all colours on then off after unblink is called (502ms)  buildlight - unblink  ✔ should set continuous to false  usbled - usbled  ✔ should set path  usbled - on  ✔ should write 1 to colour file  ✔ should handle case insensitive colours  usbled - off  ✔ should write 0 to colour file  ✔ should handle case insensitive colours  usbled - _find  ✔ should return path when there is only one version of usbled installed  ✔ should return path with newer version when there are multiple versions of usbled installed  ✔ should throw an error when usbled exists but there is no version  ✔ should throw an error when there is no usbled version installed  ✔ should throw an error when usbled base directory does not exist   23 passing (1s)