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var _ = require('lodash'), async = require('async'), cli = require('bagofcli'), cron = require('cron'), Db = require('./db'), fs = require('fs'), fsx = require('fs.extra'), p = require('path'); /** * class Couchpenter * * @param {String} url: CouchDB URL in format http(s)://user:pass@host:port, fallback to COUCHDB_URL environment variable, default to http://localhost:5984 * @param {Object} opts: optional * - setupFile: Couchpenter setup file * - dir: documents directory * - prefix: prefix for database names * - dbSetup: Couchpenter database setup object */ function Couchpenter(url, opts) { opts = opts || {}; this.url = url || process.env.COUCHDB_URL || 'http://localhost:5984'; this.opts = { setupFile: opts.setupFile || 'couchpenter.json', dir: opts.dir || process.cwd(), prefix: opts.prefix, setup: opts.dbSetup, interval: opts.interval }; } /** * Create a sample couchpenter.json setup file in current working directory. * * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Couchpenter.prototype.init = function (cb) { console.log('Creating sample setup file: couchpenter.json'); fsx.copy(p.join(__dirname, '../examples/couchpenter.json'), 'couchpenter.json', cb); }; // NOTE: pardon this method to tasks mapping, // needed to preserve backward compatibility w/ v0.1.x /** * Create databases and documents, overwrite if documents exist. * * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Couchpenter.prototype.setUp = function (cb) { this._task(['createDatabases', 'saveDocuments'], cb); }; /** * Create databases only. * * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Couchpenter.prototype.setUpDatabases = function (cb) { this._task(['createDatabases'], cb); }; /** * Create documents only, does not overwrite if exist. * * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Couchpenter.prototype.setUpDocuments = function (cb) { this._task(['createDocuments'], cb); }; /** * Create documents only, overwrite if exist. * * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Couchpenter.prototype.setUpDocumentsOverwrite = function (cb) { this._task(['saveDocuments'], cb); }; /** * Alias for tearDownDatabases. * * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Couchpenter.prototype.tearDown = function (cb) { this.tearDownDatabases(cb); }; /** * Delete databases. * * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Couchpenter.prototype.tearDownDatabases = function (cb) { this._task(['removeDatabases'], cb); }; /** * Delete documents. * * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Couchpenter.prototype.tearDownDocuments = function (cb) { this._task(['removeDocuments'], cb); }; /** * Alias for resetDocuments. * * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Couchpenter.prototype.reset = function (cb) { this.resetDocuments(cb); }; /** * Delete then recreate databases. * * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Couchpenter.prototype.resetDatabases = function (cb) { this._task(['removeDatabases', 'createDatabases'], cb); }; /** * Delete then recreate documents only. * * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Couchpenter.prototype.resetDocuments = function (cb) { this._task(['removeDatabases', 'createDatabases', 'createDocuments'], cb); }; /** * Alias for cleanDatabases. * * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Couchpenter.prototype.clean = function (cb) { this.cleanDatabases(cb); }; /** * Delete unknown databases (not configured in setup file). * * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Couchpenter.prototype.cleanDatabases = function (cb) { this._task(['cleanDatabases'], cb); }; /** * Warm up views specified in design documents. * If schedule is specified, then views warm up will be scheduled using cron. * Otherwise, it's just a once off. * * @param {String} schedule: cron scheduling definition in standard * * * * * format * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Couchpenter.prototype.warmViews = function(schedule, cb) { var self = this; if (cb) { new cron.CronJob( schedule, function () { self._task(['warmViews'], cb); }, function () { cb(null, { id: 'couchpenter', message: 'stopped views warm up schedule' }); }, true); } else { cb = schedule; this._task(['warmViews'], cb); } }; /** * Get view index progress for Db specified * */ Couchpenter.prototype.liveDeployView = function (cb) { this._task(['liveDeployView'], cb); }; /** * Execute database tasks in series order. * * @param {Array} tasks: the tasks to execute * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Couchpenter.prototype._task = function (tasks, cb) { var setup = this.opts.setup || JSON.parse(cli.lookupFile(this.opts.setupFile)), db = new Db(this.url, { interval: this.opts.interval }), asyncTasks = [], self = this; // prefix database names if optional prefix is specified if (this.opts.prefix) { _.keys(setup).forEach(function (dbName) { setup[self.opts.prefix + dbName] = setup[dbName]; delete setup[dbName]; }); } tasks.forEach(function (taskName) { asyncTasks.push(function (cb) { var data = (taskName.match(/Databases$/)) ? _.keys(setup) : self._docs(setup, self.opts.dir); db[taskName](data, cb); }); }); async.series(asyncTasks, function (err, results) { var combined = []; results.forEach(function (result) { combined = combined.concat(result); }); cb(err, combined); }); }; /** * Process documents in Couchpenter setup: * - if it's an object, leave as-is * - if it's a json file location (ending with .json) then assign the content of the file as the document * - otherwise assume it's a module, and require it * Location of file and module is relative to this.opts.dir . * * @param {Object} setup: Couchpenter setup * @param {String} dir: base directory relative to file location * @return {Object} setup with documents processed */ Couchpenter.prototype._docs = function (setup, dir) { _.keys(setup).forEach(function (dbName) { for (var i = 0, ln = setup[dbName].length; i < ln; i += 1) { var item = setup[dbName][i]; if (_.isString(item)) { if (item.match(/\.json$/)) { setup[dbName][i] = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(p.join(dir, item))); } else { setup[dbName][i] = require(p.join(dir, item)); } } else if (!Array.isArray(item) && !_.isObject(item)) { throw new Error('Invalid document ' + item + ' in db ' + dbName + ', only object and string allowed'); } } }); return setup; }; module.exports = Couchpenter;