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var _ = require('lodash'), async = require('async'), clone = require('clone'), nano = require('nano'), req = require('bagofrequest'), util = require('util'); /** * class Db * * CouchDB errors are camouflaged as results to allow multiple operations to resume * even though there is an error encountered on at least one of the operations * (e.g. database delete should not cause an error regardless whether the database already exists or not). * Non-CouchDB errors (e.g. connection error) will still be passed via standard callback error. * * @param {String} url: CouchDB instance URL in format http(s)://user:pass@host:port * @param {Object} opts: optional * - interval: delay between index progress checks, defaults to 10000 ms * - parallelLimit: max number of tasks can be run parallel, defaults to 50 * - nano: for test purpose only, temporary until I find a way to mock required function module using Sinon.js, resort to dependency injection for now */ function Db(url, opts) { const INTERVAL = 10000, PARALLEL_LIMIT = 50; var couchOpts = { url: url }, envProxy = req.proxy(url); if (envProxy) { couchOpts.request_defaults = { proxy: envProxy }; } this.couch = (opts && opts.nano ? opts.nano : nano)(couchOpts); this.interval = (opts && opts.interval) ? opts.interval : INTERVAL; this.parallelLimit = (opts && opts.parallelLimit) ? opts.parallelLimit : PARALLEL_LIMIT; } /** * Create inexisting databases. * * @param {Array} dbNames: name of databases * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Db.prototype.createDatabases = function (dbNames, cb) { var self = this, tasks = []; dbNames.forEach(function (dbName) { function task(cb) { self.couch.db.create(dbName, self._handle(cb, { dbName: dbName, message: 'created' })); } tasks.push(task); }); async.parallelLimit(tasks, this.parallelLimit, cb); }; /** * Delete existing databases. * * @param {Array} dbNames: name of databases * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Db.prototype.removeDatabases = function (dbNames, cb) { var self = this, tasks = []; dbNames.forEach(function (dbName) { function task(cb) { self.couch.db.destroy(dbName, self._handle(cb, { dbName: dbName, message: 'deleted' })); } tasks.push(task); }); async.parallelLimit(tasks, this.parallelLimit, cb); }; /** * Delete unknown databases (those not configured in setup file). * NOTE: in CouchDB v1.2.0, _users database deletion does not trigger any error, but the _users database can't be deleted * * @param {Array} dbNames: name of databases * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Db.prototype.cleanDatabases = function (dbNames, cb) { var self = this; this.couch.db.list(function (err, result) { if (err) { cb(err); } else { var dbNamesToClean = []; result.forEach(function (dbName) { if (dbNames.indexOf(dbName) === -1) { dbNamesToClean.push(dbName); } }); self.removeDatabases(dbNamesToClean, cb); } }); }; /** * Create inexisting documents, leave existing documents untouched as conflict error. * * @param {Object} dbSetup: database setup, keys are database names, values are documents * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Db.prototype.createDocuments = function (dbSetup, cb) { var self = this, tasks = []; _.keys(dbSetup).forEach(function (dbName) { dbSetup[dbName].forEach(function (doc) { function task(cb) { self.couch.use(dbName).insert(doc, self._handle(cb, { dbName: dbName, docId: doc._id, message: 'created' })); } tasks.push(task); }); }); async.parallelLimit(tasks, this.parallelLimit, cb); }; /** * Create inexisting documents, update existing documents. * * @param {Object} dbSetup: database setup, keys are database names, values are documents * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Db.prototype.saveDocuments = function (dbSetup, cb) { const CONFLICT = 409; var self = this, tasks = []; _.keys(dbSetup).forEach(function (dbName) { dbSetup[dbName].forEach(function (doc) { function task(cb) { // try to create documents, but with conflict error handling function _errorCb(err, result) { // if there is a conflict error, retrieve the document's revision first function _successCb(err, result) { // use the revision to update the existing documents // NOTE: it is not impossible that the revision of this document // is modified by other operations right before updating, Couchpenter // will only try once to avoid any possibility of retrying infinitely. doc._rev = result._rev; self.couch.use(dbName).insert(doc, self._handle(cb, { dbName: dbName, docId: doc._id, message: 'updated' })); } self.couch.use(dbName).get(doc._id, self._handle(cb, { dbName: dbName, docId: doc._id, successCb: _successCb })); } self.couch.use(dbName).insert(doc, self._handle(cb, { dbName: dbName, docId: doc._id, message: 'created', errorCb: _errorCb, errorCode: CONFLICT })); } tasks.push(task); }); }); async.parallelLimit(tasks, this.parallelLimit, cb); }; /** * Delete existing documents. * * @param {Object} dbSetup: database setup, keys are database names, values are documents * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Db.prototype.removeDocuments = function (dbSetup, cb) { var self = this, tasks = []; _.keys(dbSetup).forEach(function (dbName) { dbSetup[dbName].forEach(function (doc) { function task(cb) { // retrieve the document revision and use it to delete the document function _successCb(err, result) { self.couch.use(dbName).destroy(result._id, result._rev, self._handle(cb, { dbName: dbName, docId: doc._id, message: 'deleted' })); } self.couch.use(dbName).get(doc._id, self._handle(cb, { dbName: dbName, docId: doc._id, successCb: _successCb })); } tasks.push(task); }); }); async.parallelLimit(tasks, this.parallelLimit, cb); }; /** * Warm views. * * @param {Object} dbSetup: database setup, keys are database names, values are documents * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Db.prototype.warmViews = function (dbSetup, cb) { // retrieve no document to keep response size as minimum as possible const NO_DOCS = 0; var self = this, tasks = []; _.keys(dbSetup).forEach(function (dbName) { dbSetup[dbName].forEach(function (doc) { if (doc._id && doc._id.match(/^_design\//) && doc.views) { tasks.push(function(cb) { var _successCb = self._handle(cb, { dbName: dbName, docId: doc._id, message: 'warmed ' + _.keys(doc.views).join(', ') }); async.each(_.keys(doc.views), function (viewName, cb) { self.couch.use(dbName).view( doc._id.replace('_design/', ''), viewName, { limit: NO_DOCS }, cb); }, _successCb); }); } }); }); async.parallelLimit(tasks, this.parallelLimit, cb); }; /** * Live deploy view changes * * * @param {Object} dbSetup: database setup, keys are database names, values are design documents * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ Db.prototype.liveDeployView = function (dbSetup, cb) { const POSTFIX = '_new'; var self = this; function _cloneSetup(dbSetup) { var _clone = clone(dbSetup); _.keys(_clone).forEach(function (dbName) { _clone[dbName].forEach(function (doc) { if (doc._id && doc._id.match(/^_design\//) && doc.views) { doc._id = doc._id + POSTFIX; } else { _clone[dbName].splice(_clone[dbName].indexOf(doc), 1); } }); }); return _clone; } function _startViewIndexTask(doc, dbName) { const NO_DOCS = 0; return function (cb) { _.keys(doc.views).forEach(function (viewName) { self.couch.use(dbName).view( doc._id.replace('_design/', ''), viewName, { limit: NO_DOCS, stale: 'update_after' }, function(err, result) {} ); }); cb(null, { message: 'view index has been kicked off' }); }; } function _indexProgressTask(doc, dbName) { return function (cb) { var inProgress = true; async.whilst( function () { return inProgress; }, function (_cb) { self.couch.request({ 'db': dbName, 'path': doc._id + '/_info' }, function(err, result) { if (!err) { inProgress = result.view_index.updater_running; console.log('%s - view index updater running: %s',, result.view_index.updater_running); } else { inProgress = false; console.log('%s - %s', doc._id, err); } } ); setTimeout(_cb, self.interval); }, function (err) { cb(err, {}); } ); }; } function _overwriteOldDesignDocTask(doc, dbName) { return function (cb) { function headCb(opts) { self.couch.use(dbName).copy( doc._id, doc._id.replace(POSTFIX, ''), { overwrite: opts.update }, cb ); } self.couch.use(dbName).head(doc._id.replace(POSTFIX, ''), function(err, _, headers) { if (!err) { headCb({ update: true }); } else { headCb({ update: false }); } }); }; } var dbSetupCopy = _cloneSetup(dbSetup), seriesTasks = [], viewIndexTasks = [], overwriteDocTasks = [], indexProgressTasks = []; _.keys(dbSetupCopy).forEach(function (dbName) { dbSetupCopy[dbName].forEach(function (doc) { viewIndexTasks.push(_startViewIndexTask(doc, dbName)); indexProgressTasks.push(_indexProgressTask(doc, dbName)); overwriteDocTasks.push(_overwriteOldDesignDocTask(doc, dbName)); }); function _executeSeriesOfTasks(cb) { async.series([ function (cb) { self.saveDocuments(dbSetupCopy, cb); }, function (cb) { async.parallelLimit(viewIndexTasks, self.parallelLimit, cb); }, function (cb) { async.parallelLimit(indexProgressTasks, self.parallelLimit, cb); }, function (cb) { async.parallelLimit(overwriteDocTasks, self.parallelLimit, cb); }, function (cb) { self.removeDocuments(dbSetupCopy, cb); } ], cb); } seriesTasks.push(_executeSeriesOfTasks); }); async.parallelLimit(seriesTasks, this.parallelLimit, cb); }; Db.prototype._handle = function (cb, opts) { var self = this; // construct result object, the existence of error field indicates whether // the result is a success or not function _result(err, dbName, docId, message) { var result = { id: util.format('%s%s%s', dbName, (docId) ? '/' : '', docId || ''), message: message || util.format('%s (%s)', err.error, err.status_code) }; if (err) { result.error = err; } return result; } return function (err, result) { if (err) { // special status code, delegate to error callback if (opts.errorCb && err.status_code === opts.errorCode) { opts.errorCb(err, result); // CouchDB error is camouflaged as result (status_code field is set by nano) } else if (err.status_code) { cb(null, _result(err, opts.dbName, opts.docId)); // standard error (e.g. connection refused) is passed as standard error } else { cb(err); } } else { // delegate to success callback if (opts.successCb) { opts.successCb(err, result); // standard success } else { cb(null, _result(null, opts.dbName, opts.docId, opts.message)); } } }; }; module.exports = Db;