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var _ = require('lodash'), async = require('async'), colors = require('colors'), fs = require('fs'), prod = require('prod'), req = require('bagofrequest'), semver = require('semver'), util = require('util'); const DEPENDENCY_TYPES = ['dependencies', 'devDependencies', 'peerDependencies', 'optDependencies']; /** * class PkjUtil * * @param {String} file: path to package.json file */ function PkjUtil(file) { this.file = file || 'package.json'; } /** * List dependencies. * * @param {String} type: dependencies type (dependencies or devDependencies), all when type is not provided * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ PkjUtil.prototype.listDependencies = function (type, cb) { fs.readFile(this.file, function (err, data) { var pkg = JSON.parse(data), types = type ? [type] : DEPENDENCY_TYPES, modules = []; _.filter(types, function (type) { return pkg[type]; }).forEach(function (type) { modules = modules.concat(_.keys(pkg[type])); }); modules = _.uniq(modules); cb(err, modules); }); }; /** * Sort dependencies in alphabetical order. * * @param {String} type: dependencies type (dependencies or devDependencies), all when type is not provided * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ PkjUtil.prototype.sortDependencies = function (type, cb) { function process(pkg, cb) { var types = type ? [type] : DEPENDENCY_TYPES, modules = []; _.filter(types, function (type) { return pkg[type]; }).forEach(function (type) { var sorted = []; _.keys(pkg[type]).sort().forEach(function (module) { sorted.push(util.format('"%s": "%s"', module, pkg[type][module])); }); pkg[type] = JSON.parse(util.format('{%s}', sorted.join(','))); }); cb(null, pkg); } this._updatePackage(process, cb); }; /** * Traverse dependencies and group each package with its dependencies reference * * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ PkjUtil.prototype.traverseDependencies = function (cb) { if (fs.existsSync('package.json') || fs.existsSync('node_modules')) { prod().load(function (err, dependencies) { var result; if (!err) { result = {}; { function filter(type) { var checkType = (type === 'dependencies') ? '_dependencies' : type; return pkg[checkType] && !_.isEmpty(pkg[checkType]); } var name = util.format('%s@%s',, pkg.version); result[name] = {}; _.filter(DEPENDENCY_TYPES, filter).forEach(function (type) { var checkType = (type === 'dependencies') ? '_dependencies' : type; result[name][type] = pkg[checkType]; }); }); } cb(err, result); }); } else { cb(new Error('Either package.json file or node_modules directory must exist')); } }; /** * Upgrade version based on type. * * @param {String} type: version type (major, minor, patch), default to patch * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ PkjUtil.prototype.upgradeVersion = function (type, cb) { function process(pkg, cb) { var version = semver.parse(pkg.version); if (type === 'major') { version.major += 1; version.minor = 0; version.patch = 0; } else if (type === 'minor') { version.minor += 1; version.patch = 0; } else { version.patch += 1; } pkg.version = version.format(); cb(null, pkg); } this._updatePackage(process, cb); }; /** * Upgrade the version of each dependency to the latest published * in the registry. * Version range will be kept, e.g. ~0.0.1 is upgraded to ~0.0.18 . * If version does not contain numeric major.minor.patch, then * version is upgraded to latest, e.g. 0.0.x is upgraded to 0.0.18 . * * @param {Object} opts: optional * - registry: npm registry, default to public npm registry * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ PkjUtil.prototype.upgradeDependencies = function (opts, cb) { const LIMIT = 5; opts = opts || {}; opts.registry = opts.registry || ''; if (!opts.registry.match(/\/$/)) { opts.registry += '/'; } function process(pkg, cb) { function iterator(dependency, cb) { var requestOpts = { handlers: { 200: function (result, cb) { var latestVersion = JSON.parse(result.body).version; function update(type) { var dependencies = pkg[type], currVersionMatch = dependencies[dependency].match(/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+/), currVersion = currVersionMatch ? currVersionMatch.toString() : null, range = currVersionMatch ? dependencies[dependency].replace(/[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+.*$/, '') : null; if (currVersion != latestVersion) { dependencies[dependency] = (range || '') + latestVersion; console.log('%s - %s - upgraded to %s',, type, dependencies[dependency]); } else { console.log('%s - %s - already latest %s', dependency.grey, type, dependencies[dependency]); } } _.filter(DEPENDENCY_TYPES, function (type) { return pkg[type] && pkg[type][dependency]; }).forEach(function (type) { update(type); }); cb(); } } }; req.request('get', opts.registry + dependency + '/latest', requestOpts, cb); } var dependencies = []; DEPENDENCY_TYPES.forEach(function (type) { dependencies = _.union(dependencies, _.keys(pkg[type])); }); async.eachLimit(dependencies, LIMIT, iterator, function (err) { cb(err, pkg); }); } this._updatePackage(process, cb); }; /** * Read package.json file, apply process function, then overwrite the file. * * @param {Function} process: process function to be applied to parsed package.json * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback */ PkjUtil.prototype._updatePackage = function (process, cb) { var self = this; fs.readFile(this.file, function (err, data) { if (err) { cb(err); } else { var pkg = JSON.parse(data); process(pkg, function (err, result) { if (err) { cb(err, result); } else { fs.writeFile(self.file, JSON.stringify(result, null, 2), function (err) { cb(err, result); }); } }); } }); }; module.exports = PkjUtil;