
"use strict"
import async from 'async';
import bag from 'bagofcli';
import cpr from 'cpr';
import dateformat from 'dateformat';
import Engine from './engine.js';
import fs from 'fs';
import p from 'path';
import watch from '@cnakazawa/watch';
import wrench from 'wrench';

const DIRNAME = p.dirname(import.meta.url).replace('file://', '');

 * class AE86
class AE86 {

  constructor(opts) {
    opts = opts || {};
    this.outDir = opts.outDir || 'out';

   * Create example AE86 project files in current directory.
   * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback
  init(cb) {
    cpr.cpr(p.join(DIRNAME, '../examples'), '.', cb);

   * Generate website based on the templates and params.
   * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback
  generate(cb) {

    const self = this;

    function _static(cb) {
      // copy static files as-is
      cpr.cpr('static', self.outDir, cb);

    function _pages(cb) {

      function _params(cb) {

        function prepParams(result) {
          const params = result.params;
          // add website info
          params.sitemap = params.sitemap || {};
          params.__genId = dateformat('yyyymmddHHMMss');
          cb(null, params);

        // initialise userland params
        const paramsFile = p.join(process.cwd(), 'params.js');
        if (fs.existsSync(paramsFile)) {
            .then(result => prepParams(result))
            .catch(err => cb(err));
        } else {
          cb(null, null);

      const engine = new Engine(),
        tasks = {};

      ['partials', 'layouts', 'pages'].forEach((dir) => {
        tasks[dir] = function (cb) {
          engine.compile(dir, cb);

      async.parallel(tasks, (err, results) => {
        function prepParams(err, result) {
          if (err) {
          } else {
            engine.merge(self.outDir, results, result || {}, cb);

    async.parallel([_static, _pages], cb);

   * Watch for any file changes in AE86 project files.
   * A change means the project website will automatically be regenerated.
  watch() {
    const self = this;

    function _listener() {
      // no callback because the process shouldn't exit

    function _watch(file) {
      watch.watchTree(file, function (f, curr, prev) {
        if (typeof f === "object" && prev === null && curr === null) {
          bag.logStepItemSuccess('Watching for file changes at %s...', file)
        } else if (prev === null) {
          bag.logStepItemSuccess('%s was created', file);
        } else if (curr.nlink === 0) {
          bag.logStepItemSuccess('%s was deleted', file);
        } else {
          bag.logStepItemSuccess('%s was modified', file);

    ['static', 'partials', 'layouts', 'pages', 'params.js'].forEach(_watch);

   * Remove the generated website.
   * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback
  clean(cb) {
    wrench.rmdirRecursive(this.outDir, cb);

export {
  AE86 as default