ae86 - init  ✔ should delegate to cpr cpr when initialising the project  ae86 - generate  ✔ should copy static files and process pages  ✔ should handle invalid params file  ✔ should handle inexisting params file  ✔ should pass error when an error occurs while preparing static files  ae86 - watch  ✔ should ignore swap files and set sample rate on project directories and files  ✔ should log message when watching for file changes  ✔ should log message and set listener when a file is created  ✔ should log message and set listener when a file is modified  ✔ should log message and set listener when a file is deleted  ae86 - clean  ✔ should delegate to wrench rmdirRecursive when removing the generated website  ✔ should use custom out dir when specified  cli - exec  ✔ should contain commands with actions  cli - init  ✔ should contain init command and delegate to ae86 init when exec is called  cli - gen  ✔ should contain gen command and delegate to ae86 generate when exec is called  cli - watch  ✔ should contain watch command and delegate to ae86 watch when exec is called  cli - drift  ✔ should contain drift command and delegate to ae86 watch when exec is called  cli - clean  ✔ should contain clean command and delegate to ae86 clean when exec is called  ✔ should use output directory arg when provided  engine - engine  ✔ should use default ext when optional ext is not specified  ✔ should use specified ext  engine - compile  ✔ should compile files with the specified file extension  ✔ should compile files with windows file path separator (backslashes) and have url path separator (slashes)  ✔ should ignore files with extensions other than the one specified  engine - merge  ✔ should merge partials in page templates with non-default template  ✔ should merge layouts in page templates  ✔ should merge parameters in page templates and pass any error  ✔ should log command message when there is no error while writing the page file  ✔ should pass error to callback when directory cannot be created  ✔ should create dir with *nix and Windows paths  functions - date  ✔ should return formatted date when format is specified  ✔ should return date with default format when format is not specified  functions - include  ✔ should return partial template when partial exists  ✔ should return error message when partial does not exist  functions - relative  ✔ should return path when page is at the project root directory  ✔ should return a single upper directory when page is at a project subdirectory  ✔ should return multiple upper directories when page is at several directories deep below project directory  ✔ should return multiple upper directories when page and path are both at several directories deep below project directory  functions - title  ✔ should return title when file exists in sitemap and it has a title  ✔ should return undefined when file exists in sitemap but it does not have a title  ✔ should return error message when file does not exist in sitemap   41 passing (67ms)