All files / lib runner.js

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"use strict";
import async from 'async';
import child from 'child_process';
import fs from 'fs';
import { mkdirp } from 'mkdirp';
import p from 'path';
 * Execute a single command.
 * @param {String} command: the command to execute
 * @param {Object} opts:
 *   - cwd: base directory where the commands should be executed from
 *   - quiet: don't display command output if quiet
 *   - task: Bob task name, used to create output directory
 *   - type: Bob task type name, used to create output directory
 *   - dir: report directory where process output will be written into a file
 * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback
function exec(command, opts, cb) {
  console.log('%s | %s', opts.task.cyan, command);
  const cproc = child.exec(command, opts, cb),
    wstream = fs.createWriteStream(p.join(opts.dir, opts.type + '.txt'));
  cproc.stdout.on('data', (data) => {
    if (!opts.quiet) {
  cproc.stderr.on('data', (data) => {
    if (!opts.quiet) {
 * Execute multiple commands in series.
 * @param {Array} commands: an array of commands, each command contains:
 *   - exec: executable command line, to be executed on shell
 *   - meta: command metadata, task and type
 * @param {Object} opts:
 *   - cwd: base directory where the commands should be executed from
 *   - quiet: don't display command output if quiet
 * @param {Function} cb: standard cb(err, result) callback
function execSeries(commands, opts, cb) {
  function _exec(command, cb) {
    const dir = p.join(opts.cwd, '.bob', command.meta.task);
    opts.task = command.meta.task;
    opts.type = command.meta.type;
    opts.dir = dir;
    exec(command.exec, opts, cb);
  async.eachSeries(commands, _exec, cb);
const exports = {
  exec: exec,
  execSeries: execSeries
export {
  exports as default