cli - exec  ✔ should contain commands with actions  cli - run  ✔ should notify buildlight when there is no monitoring error  ✔ should monitor using default settings  ✔ should log error message and exit with non-zero code  nestorbuildlight - nestorbuildlight  ✔ should set opts to default when there is no customisation  ✔ should default warn colour map to yellow when blue colour is not part of the scheme  nestorbuildlight - notify  ✔ should switch all colours off then switch one colour on on build light device based on notification status  ✔ should switch all colours off then switch blue colour on on build light device when notification status is warn  ✔ should switch all colours off then switch yellow colour on on build light device when notification status is warn  ✔ should switch all colours on on build light device when status is unknown  ✔ should switch all colours off then switch red colour on on build light device when status is fail  ✔ should default to rgb scheme and switch all colours on on build light device when status is unknown  nestorbuildlight - notify with blink enabled  ✔ should blink red colour when status is fail and blinkOnFailure is true  ✔ should log error message when an error occurs while blinking failure colour   14 passing (6s)