

command(base:, actions:, opts:)

Parse command line arguments and execute actions based on the specified commands. Uses commander.js to provide -V / --version to be displayed version number, and -h / --help to be displayed help info.
Name Type Description
base: String base directory where the client module is located, used as a base directory to read command file and package.json file, ideally the value would be the client's __dirname
actions: Object action function for each command in format: { command: { action: function () {} }}, the command name in actions object is then mapped to the command name specified in commandFile
opts: Object optional - commandFile: relative path to command file from base directory, defaults to 'conf/commands.json'

exec(command:, fallthrough:, cb:)

Execute a one-liner command. The output emitted on stderr and stdout of the child process will be written to process.stdout and process.stderr of this process. Fallthrough is handy in situation where there are multiple execs running in sequence/parallel, and they all have to be executed regardless of success/error on either one of them.
Name Type Description
command: String command to execute
fallthrough: Boolean allow error to be camouflaged as a non-error
cb: function standard cb(err, result) callback

execAndCollect(command:, fallthrough:, cb:)

Execute a one-liner command and collect the output. The output emitted on stderr and stdout of the child process will be collected and passed on to the given callback. Fallthrough is handy in situation where there are multiple execs running in sequence/parallel, and they all have to be executed regardless of success/error on either one of them.
Name Type Description
command: String command to execute
fallthrough: Boolean allow error to be camouflaged as a non-error
cb: function (err, stdOutOuput, stdErrOuput, result) callback


Handle process exit based on the existence of error. This is handy for command-line tools to use as the final callback. Exit status code 1 indicates an error, exit status code 0 indicates a success. Error message will be logged to the console. Result object is only used for convenient debugging. Exit is also called with a second method in the signature called 'result', but it's not declared here due to not being used when there is no error and this function simply exits with code 0
Name Type Description
err: Error error object existence indicates the occurence of an error

exitCb(errorCb:, successCb:)

A higher order function that returns a process exit callback, with error and success callbacks to handle error and result accordingly. Exit status code 1 indicates an error, exit status code 0 indicates a success.
Name Type Description
errorCb: function error callback accepts error argument, defaults to logging to console error
successCb: function success callback accepts result argument, defaults to logging to console log

files(items:, opts:) → {Array}

Get an array of files contained in specified items. When a directory is specified, all files contained within that directory and its sub-directories will be included.
Name Type Description
items: Array an array of files and/or directories
opts: Object optional - match: regular expression to match against the file name
all files

logStepHeading(message:, opts:)

Displays log step heading message on the console.
Name Type Description
message: String the heading message string to be displayed
opts: Object optional - labels: an array of labels to be displayed prior to the message

logStepItemError(message:, opts:)

Displays log step error item error message on the console.
Name Type Description
message: String the error message string to be displayed
opts: Object optional - labels: an array of labels to be displayed prior to the message

logStepItemSuccess(message:, opts:)

Displays log step item success message on the console.
Name Type Description
message: String the success message string to be displayed
opts: Object optional - labels: an array of labels to be displayed prior to the message

logStepItemWarning(message:, opts:)

Displays log step item warning message on the console.
Name Type Description
message: String the warning message string to be displayed
opts: Object optional - labels: an array of labels to be displayed prior to the message

lookupConfig(keys:, opts:, cb:)

Lookup config values for the specified keys in the following order: - environment variable - if optional file is specified, then check for the value inside the file file type depends on extension file - if optional enablePrompt is set to true, then prompt the user for config value
Name Type Description
keys: Array an array of configuration keys to be looked up
opts: Object optional - file: file name to look up to for the configuration value, if not supplied then no file lookup will be done - enablePrompt: if true then prompt the user for configuration value
cb: function standard cb(err, result) callback

lookupFile(file:, opts:) → {String}

Synchronously read file based on these rules: - if path is absolute, then check file at absolute path first - if path is relative, then check file at current working directory - if none of the above exists, check file at user home directory - if none exists, throw an error This allows simple file lookup which allows various locations.
Name Type Description
file: String the file name to read
opts: Object optional - platform: needed for unit tests to override platform since node v0.11.x
content of the file

spawn(command:, args:, cb:)

Execute a command with an array of arguments. E.g. command: make, arguments: -f somemakefile target1 target2 target3 will be executed as: make -f somemakefile target1 target2 target3 NOTE: process.stdout.write and process.stderr.write are used because console.log adds a newline
Name Type Description
command: String command to execute
args: Array command arguments
cb: function standard cb(err, result) callback